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New Year, New Goals: How To Set Goals As A Family And With Your Kids

Jan 4, 2023 | Blog

January can bring in the post-holiday blues with the changes in your sleep, eating and day-to-day routine over the last two months. You, and your kids, have probably had more junk food, screen time and no consistent wellness and workouts for at least a few weeks. Don’t be hard on yourself, just use this time to reset goals and schedules. This year, you can set your personal resolutions and consider setting some New Year’s Resolutions as a family while helping your kids, if they’re interested, set their own.

Talk about 2022

Start by discussing the idea with your family. Talk about 2022, what you liked as a family and as individuals. Maybe someone graduated from middle school or got a new job. Did your youngest learn how to read or tie their shoes? Reflecting on past accomplishments is an important part of goal setting.

Then, discuss what new thing you and your family would like to do in 2023. Maybe they want to play a new sport, read a book series with mom or cook family dinner themselves once a month. If your kids are younger, you can work on personal responsibility goals, such as getting dressed alone or cleaning up their rooms weekly. Keeping goals age-appropriate and attainable will help keep your young kids interested longer. As far as tracking the goals, do what works best to motivate your family. A sticker chart works for some visual learners while a simple personal sense of satisfaction works best for others.

As far as tracking the goals, do what works best to motivate your family.

Parents offers great tips on how to set goals with your kids, specifically age-appropriate ones. Of course, you know your kids and their habits, so working with them, especially the younger ones, can help set them up for achievable success.

An article from PBS encourages parents to also serve as a role model. If your known goal in January 2023 is to move for 30 minutes a day, four days a week, talk about how you plan to reach that goal with your kids. Maybe you go on a walk, garden or do yoga. This open dialogue also brings up the importance of flexibility. If you’re sick or had an emergency day, show or tell your kids how you gave yourself grace to miss a few days to recover.

Whatever the new year brings for you and your family, setting goals and acknowledging your accomplishments will always bring personal satisfaction

Previously appeared in Pure Living – Nashville.

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