Support Youth Villages
Your one-time or continuing contribution goes directly to helping children and young adults get the chance they deserve.
Support Youth Villages, and you could be the difference in a child’s life in your community.

Why give to Youth Villages?
Investing in Youth Villages is an investment in your community and its future.
We believe there is hope for each child and family, even those who come to us from the most dire circumstances. As each person learns to shape his or her own life and to build upon strengths, new possibilities unfold.
Studies confirm what we already know – children are best raised by their families. The family is the cornerstone of civilization, and parents are the best teachers of values and morals to children. Our hope is that by working with the parents and families of children in our care, we can break the cycles of abuse, neglect and other societal ills that result when the family unit breaks down. The payoff will be happier children, stronger families and sound communities.
By involving our communities and developing partnerships to provide these programs, we believe we can offer every child and family what they deserve – a chance in life. Together we can erase the headlines of youth violence, suicide, teen pregnancy and more and replace them with stories of successful families who have learned to overcome life’s obstacles and enjoy the chance to live happy, meaningful lives.
Where does my gift go?
Exceptional organizations only excel because they are made up of exceptional people. Passionate people with a clear and common purpose working together to achieve exceptional results. This is Youth Villages.
Youth Villages Annual Giving Campaign provides crucial funds needed to help Youth Villages provide services that would not otherwise be possible with government funding alone. These funds make the difference between a good program and an exceptional program between having a good organization and an exceptional organization. Funds donated to Youth Villages Annual Giving Campaign or “Where it’s needed most” are used each year to finance key activities and staffing needs.
Your support allows Youth Villages:
- To continue to expand its services to children and families that are currently not receiving adequate care and support;
- To provide the necessary support, training, and professional development to attract and retain exceptional staff to work with our children and families.
The Youth Villages approach produces lasting success for children with success rates twice that of traditional services at one-third the cost of traditional care. Last year, out of every dollar spent, 84 cents went directly to programs that support children and families.
How can I help?
Cash Gifts: Cash gifts are especially important to us as we have immediate expenses to offset, such as the day-to-day costs of running our facility. To make a cash gift, see the donation form.
An example of how you can make a cash gift is through an honorarium or memorial. Give a gift in memory of someone who cared deeply for children. Or make a gift in honor of a special occasion such as graduation, a birthday or an anniversary. There’s no better way to honor or memorialize a friend or loved one than by reaching out a hand of hope to a child.
Take advantage of corporate matching. Your gift to Youth Villages can do double duty. Check with your company’s human resources department to see if your company matches gifts to nonprofit organizations.
Remember Youth Villages in your will or trust: One of the most generous gestures individuals can make is leaving a bequest to a nonprofit organization. By designating a percentage of your will, a specific dollar amount or a residue gift, you leave a legacy that ensures that children will receive the care that they need to succeed. This is called a planned gift. Some planned gifts, such as Charitable Gift Annuities, provide income to you for life as well as tax benefits. Click here for more information about planned gifts
Other giving opportunities: A Family to Family Fund or Named Endowment are ways to help future generations of children while taking advantage of unique tax advantages.
Is this donation tax deductible?
Youth Villages is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record.
What are my options for Planned Giving?
Planned gifts can take many forms, but the simplest way to make one is through a bequest in your will or estate plans. Gifts of retirement plan assets or life insurance are other options. There are also ways to give that feature income back to you or your loved ones. Most planned gifts feature tax benefits and all make an impact on the work we do. Learn more.
Who can I contact about supporting Youth Villages?
Please visit our Contact Us page.
What are my rights and privacy as a donor?
Click here to read our additional privacy information.