Who We Serve

Youth Villages is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping children with emotional and behavioral problems and their families live successfully.
We provide direct help to thousands of children and families each year; partner with innovative states and high-performing nonprofit organizations that use our effective program models; and advocate for positive change to child welfare systems around the country.
Our approach involves intensive work with the child and family; a focus on measuring outcomes; keeping children in the community whenever safely possible; and providing accountability to families and funders. The Youth Villages approach produces lasting, positive change for children.
While we help children from birth to age 22, the majority of the children who receive services from Youth Villages are between 12 and 17.
Children come to us because of emotional and behavioral disorders, physical or sexual abuse, substance abuse, or suicidal ideation or attempt. Our LifeSet program is a bridge from foster care to successful adulthood for young people who have experienced foster care.
More than 85% of Youth Villages children have multiple problems, which may include developmental or learning disabilities, as well as family issues and instability.