Intercept Articles

Program in Greenville helps at-risk youth in the community

Program in Greenville helps at-risk youth in the community

The Youth Villages Intercept Program here in Greenville impacts at-risk youth in our community and across the state. The idea of “Intercept” is to reach kids who are at risk of being placed outside of the home, coming home from a foster care placement or mental health hospital and keeping them with their families in a healthy, successful living space.

Right help at the right time: Jasmin and Kayden reunited with Intercept

Right help at the right time: Jasmin and Kayden reunited with Intercept

Every year in the United States, only half of the number of children who enter the child welfare system are reunified with family. The goal of foster care is for families to be reunited after the necessary steps have been taken to ensure the well-being of the household.

Intercept helps Victoria identify, work through her feelings

Intercept helps Victoria identify, work through her feelings

In 2023, Theresa began seeking support for her 8-year-old granddaughter, Victoria. Her family was under a lot of stress from financial hardship, physical health problems and emotional and behavioral aggression from Victoria. She knew they needed additional support, but wanted to make sure she and her husband remained the primary caregivers for Victoria.

Intercept Helps Keep Families Together

Intercept Helps Keep Families Together

At the beginning of their journey with Youth Villages, Donna felt she had reached the very end of the road and didn’t know what else to do. “I was on I-85 and thinking to myself, I could end it all right now,” Donna said.

Josiah’s Story

Josiah’s Story

When the Department of Children and Families introduced Kallie and her children, 6-year-old Josiah and 1-year-old Jazmine, to the Intercept program.
