Media Coverage Articles

Memphis Parent – May is National Foster Care Month

Memphis Parent – May is National Foster Care Month

When children enter the foster care system, the priority is to find a path to permanency – whether through adoption or reunification with their biological family. Often, children are placed in foster care for a short time while the best next steps are determined.

How to nurture your child’s mental health while snowed in

How to nurture your child’s mental health while snowed in

Last week, children across Tennessee were out of school due to snow and ice blanketing the state. At first, the excitement of children playing in the snow is fun. However, for some children and families, time couped up in the home during snowstorms can be challenging.

Achievable goals for the New Year

Achievable goals for the New Year

We are in an era where New Year’s resolutions can sound like an unachievable, pointless exercise. Most resolutions are broken by February 1, so what’s the point?
