Phase 2:
Cottages 2-5, Education Building
Scheduled for completion
early 2027
Cottages 2-5: The construction of four more Cottages will complete Phase Two of the campus redesign. With the addition of the cottages constructed through the Elevate campaign, the campus will increase its census by 28, from 128 to 156 beds, allowing Youth Villages Georgia to serve between 50-60 more youth in need of residential care each year. The Certificate of Need for facility renovation and expansion has already been approved by the Georgia Department of Community Health.
Education Building: A dedicated, 19,000-square-foot Education Building overlooking the lake will revolutionize teaching and learning at the Inner Harbour Campus. Investments in the campus’s educational facilities represent the greatest opportunities to enhance current services and bolster outcomes when the estimated 330+ youth served annually in the new building return to traditional education settings post-discharge. In addition to 13 classrooms, the Education Building will include a dedicated STEM lab, a sensory room, and a neuropsychiatric therapy room.