Family Vacation with a Twist
Stacy Howell has been a foster parent for almost three years. During this time, she has fostered countless children, many of whom have successfully returned home. Most recently, Stacy fostered a sibling group of three for about two years. During this time, Stacy faced many challenges including countless behaviors, tantrums and the kids feeling as if they were in limbo when it came to finding a permanent place to call home.
As a foster parent, Stacy provides structure and stability for the kids in her care, while also taking the time to build a special bond with each of them. An important aspect of Youth Villages’ foster care program is the focus on reuniting children with their biological families. Our foster parents play a particularly important role in this process.
Stacy maintained an open relationship with one particular biological family by helping the children continue having regular phone calls and visits. She even went on vacation with their biological grandmother, so the kids could really have the best of both worlds and their relationship could grow stronger. Her ability to be open, flexible and keep her door open at all times for their family, provided the kids with a sense of family unity.
As a result, these kids recently moved from foster care and into their grandmother’s home in Florida, and the transition was seamless. Stacy assured the kids she would write letters and that they could visit at any time, and that she would even try to visit them, along with her daughter who they considered a sister.