Youth Villages stories

Foster Care Awareness Activities in Middle Tennessee
May is National Foster Care Awareness Month. In Tennessee, approximately 8,000 children are in foster care at any given time. With fewer than 4,000 foster families, the need is ever-present; even during COVID-19. National statistics show that a new child is placed into care every two minutes.
Smaller towns in Tennessee are doing their part to bring awareness to the need and importance of foster care in their communities.
Clarksville Mayor Joe Pitts signed a local proclamation naming May Foster Care Awareness Month in his town, urging all citizens to observe this month by taking the time to help children and youth in foster care. His proclamation recognized that family is the foundation of the Clarksville community, providing the primary source of identity, love and support. Mayor Pitts noted that community-based support structures contribute to youth in foster care through organizations like Youth Villages.
The Williamson County Sherriff’s Department and Columbia Fire Department partnered with Youth Villages to promote awareness for foster care needs in their area. Deputies and fire fighters are wearing the Foster Care Awareness ribbons on their uniforms during the month of May to spread the need for more foster care families.
“We are grateful that public officials are doing their part to spread awareness about the issues facing children in foster care,” said Charmaine Kromer, executive director of Youth Villages in Tennessee. “The need for supportive families to provide homes for children and youth in foster care is great, even during the time of the COVID-19 health crisis. Just one loving adult can make all the difference to a young person’s future.”
Foster families can be single parents, couples with or without children, older couples; just about any household with room to care for and support children in foster care. The most important qualification is the ability to keep a child in need safe and provide a stable and caring environment.
To learn more, about Youth Villages’ foster care opportunities, click here.