Systems Impact Grant
2024 Funding Opportunity for Transition-Age Youth Services
Impact Grant
2024 Funding Opportunity for Transition-Age Youth Services

Systems Impact Grant
2024 Funding Opportunity for Transition-Age Youth Services
Through the Systems Impact Grant, Youth Villages will partner with public agencies who are committed to dramatically improving outcomes for young adults, jurisdiction-wide, through both program and systemic policy/practice improvements.
April 30, 2024
The 2024 Systems Impact Grant application window closed on April 30, 2024.
Young people in and aging out of foster care deserve the same opportunities for success as all young people transitioning into adulthood. Systems Impact Grants can support jurisdictions in identifying and implementing systemic policy and practice changes to improve outcomes for young people and/or a portion of the costs associated with adding or expanding LifeSet and/or high-quality extended foster care services in partnership with Youth Villages. Awards ranging from $500,000 to $4 million over three to four years have been granted in the past. Applicants must be public agencies.

Lived Experience Impact Grants
Congratulations to our 2023 Lived Experience Impact grantees! Lived Experience Impact Grants were awarded to organizations led by individuals who have personal experience in foster care and are now participating in the movement for change through initiatives that focus on improving the lives of young people who are in and exiting foster care. Youth Villages awarded eight grants in the 2023 round of funding — ranging from $25,000 to $80,000 per grant.
- California Youth Connection/Oregon Foster Youth Connection — To establish Oregon Foster Youth Connection as an independent, youth led advocacy organization to drive policy change across the state.
- Florida’s Children First/Florida Youth SHINE — To launch the first phase of the youth-led “YouthCanSHINE” campaign to drive greater change through advocacy and create statewide awareness of the supports that young people in care need to be successful.
- Found Village — To expand the support offered to transition-age young people in Hamilton County, Ohio by investing in staff and program development to deliver “Launch to Independence,” a program that offers focused and intentional age-appropriate coaching, life skills training and career advancement opportunities for young people exiting foster care.
- Freedom Forward — To fund a guaranteed income pilot for transition-age young people aging out of foster care who are survivors of sexual exploitation in San Francisco, California.
- Propelling into Triumph — To expand a life skills coaching and mentorship program for transition-age young people in Miami, Florida.
- SUN Scholars — To build an AI-powered online education resource for transition-age young people who are graduating high school and the education professionals who support them.
- Winston Rhea Scholars — To serve transition-age young people in Louisiana and South Carolina through the expansion of a high-touch, intensive coaching/mentorship program that includes post-high school goal setting and financial support.
- YSS Rooftop Gardens — To provide workforce/professional development for child welfare and juvenile justice involved youth in Des Moines, Iowa through a sustainable farming initiative.

We look forward to working alongside all our Lived Experience Impact grantees to advocate for changes that will improve outcomes for young people experiencing foster care across the country. If you have any questions, reach out to the project team.