Youth Villages stories

Middle Tennessee COVID-19 Updates
Updated October 13, 2020
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our organization has adapted several aspects of its services. .
- We are continuing to use telehealth, effectively serving youth and their families while reducing the risk of putting anyone’s health in jeopardy. Overall, telehealth has been incredibly effective during this time allowing for quicker admissions of children and families into our services, quicker response times, and assessments for children under the age of 18 in need of crisis support.
- We continue to provide resources needed for a safe and supported work environment for our employees. Additionally, we have provided personal protective equipment and technology to our youth and families during the pandemic. We also have set standards for allowing face-to-face visits and are taking every precaution such as temperature checks, mask wearing and social distancing. These visits are only for those children and families who are unable to use telehealth services.
- COVID-19 has hit our LifeSet program participants the hardest with many of these youth losing their employment in the service industry, being at risk of losing their housing and having roadblocks in pursuing higher education. Devices such as laptops and tablets have become a critical need for completing their coursework along with reliable internet. If you would like to support the technology needs for the LifeSet young adults learning remotely this year, please consider making a donation to the program to fund a laptop or a hotspot for one of these young people.