Youth Villages stories

Oklahoma Intercept: We Can Go Far When We Work as a Team
Everyone will eventually go through rough times in their lives. Life throws curveballs, inevitably. What’s most important is how you come back from them. For Jasmine and Ja’Monte, the power of family is what moved them past their hardships when their son’s challenging behaviors became too much. Prior to starting with Youth Villages, they were on the termination docket for DHS. They had been working several jobs at once and left the children at home unattended and they felt like no one would listen to their concerns about needing to work and not having the means to provide for their kids. The parents participated in every class offered to show that they would do what was needed and still felt like the odds were against them.
They were just starting reunification when they decided to refer themselves to Youth Villages. “We were really nervous and really scared because of what was being said in court and we hadn’t had our kids with us in 2 years.” Jasmine and Ja’Monte needed someone there to walk them through things.
The family needed a safety plan and assistance in successful communication. Fortunately, with the help of the Youth Villages Intercept intensive in-home program, the family found a positive path to healing. Intercept is an integrated, trauma-informed approach that offers a variety of evidence-based practices to meet the individualized needs of a family and young person.
Alex, a Youth Villages’ specialist, met with the family three times a week, virtually and in their home, and walked them through engaging problem solving conversations and how to communicate with the children in a way that allows for effective interactions. Also, with a de-escalation plan in place, the family has been able to come together and address concerns. Also, with the support of Youth Villages’ Holiday Heroes program, the family was able to enjoy the holidays together with gifts for the children.
Intercept helped the entire family. Mom and dad have been able to truly enjoy their family. Now that they are coming together, Jasmine and Ja’Monte are focusing on their careers and hope to be successful as life moves forward.
“I feel like we can go far when we work as a team.” Jasmine says. “It is well worth it. This program saves lives.”