Youth Villages stories

Oregon state senate bills for child welfare reform pass unanimously
After nearly two years of work from the Children & Youth with Specialized Needs Work Group (CYSN), Oregon State Senate Bill 1 and the accompanying Senate Bill 221 passed the legislative assembly with universal support this past session. These legislative efforts include more than $30 million investment in services to support this vulnerable population and a system of care oversight council to assure accountability.
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown signed Senate Bill 1 last week in a ceremony attended by advocates for improved services for children and families in the state, including Youth Villages Oregon Executive Director Andrew Grover.
Grover chaired the CYSN Work Group which worked on the legislation for 18 months with the governor’s office and stakeholders from around the state. He stood directly behind her as the legislation was signed.
“Oregon’s system of care has been overburdened,” said Governor Brown. “Now by taking steps toward creating a more coordinated system, we can begin to get families the help they need sooner so they can stay together, and ensure that children and youth with specialized needs receive care in appropriate treatment settings.”
The bill includes $6.6 million to create and expand access to intensive in-home behavioral health treatment for children and $4 million to support the implementation of the federal Family First Prevention Services Act for child welfare in-home services. It also establishes a statewide “System of Care” council to oversee the ongoing development and integration of critically needed services.
Youth Villages believes the new legislation will help expand Intercept to reach more of the children and families in the state who need support.
We are excited to support the work of implementing these child welfare reform investments: Click here for the full legislative news release on this landmark reform effort.
If you have questions about our advocacy efforts, please don’t hesitate to contact Youth Villages Oregon Executive Director Andrew Grover or call 503-675-2232.