Advisory Committee Articles

Kristin Landers, M.A., LMFT

Kristin Landers, M.A., LMFT

Kristin Landers, M.A., LMFT is the Clinical Director of Partner Operations for Youth Villages. Prior to this position, she served as Clinical Program Manager for the LifeSet program serving youth age 17 – 22 who are aging out of the child welfare or juvenile justice...

Anthony Petrosino

Anthony Petrosino

Anthony Petrosino, Director of the WestEd Justice & Prevention Research Center, specializes in social policy research, with an emphasis in program and policy evaluation and research synthesis. He is also Project Director/Senior Research Scientist in the Learning...

Elizabeth Cauffman

Elizabeth Cauffman

Elizabeth Cauffman is a Professor and Chancellor’s Fellow in the Department of Psychology and Social Behavior in the School of Social Ecology and holds courtesy appointments in the School of Education and the School of Law. Dr. Cauffman received her Ph.D. in...

Drew Mangrum, MDiv, LMFT

Drew Mangrum, MDiv, LMFT

Drew Mangrum, MDiv, LMFT is the Clinical Program Manager for the LifeSet program. In this position, he oversees the program practice and fidelity adherence in the seven states where LifeSet is serving to help young adults successfully reach their interdependent living...

Alisha R. Pollastri, Ph.D.

Alisha R. Pollastri, Ph.D.

Alisha R. Pollastri, Ph.D., is Director of Research and Evaluation at Think:Kids. For the last decade, Dr. Pollastri’s research has focused on the identification of neurobiological, social, and environmental factors that contribute to disruptive behaviors,...

Alex R. Piquero

Alex R. Piquero

Alex R. Piquero is Ashbel Smith Professor of Criminology and Associate Dean for Graduate Programs in the School of Economic, Political, and Policy Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas, Adjunct Professor Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice, and Governance,...
