Youth Villages of Massachusetts receives $50,000 from local asset management firm, CREF
More than 800 young adults age out of foster care in Massachusetts each year and thanks to a generous donation from CREF, a leading health care asset management firm headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, more of these young adults will have access to the life-changing services of LifeSet.
The $50,000 gift was directed toward the Spring Challenge, an annual campaign to raise $1 million to support LifeSet, which serves as a bridge from foster care to successful adulthood and helps young adults achieve independence. This population struggles to find work, meet the demands of school, secure suitable housing and properly address their mental health. LifeSet specialists work directly with these young adults to help them achieve their goals and live successfully.
Bob Gendron, former director of the Youth Villages Board of Massachusetts and New Hampshire and current founder and CEO of CREF, is a longtime supporter of Youth Villages and our mission to help young people and families.
“Youth Villages does incredible work,” Bob said. “Their commitment to ensure the safety and success of kids, families and young adults is near and dear to my heart and is something I strive to achieve in my own business as well. Their mission aligns with my core belief that safety is of the utmost importance, and we should do everything we can to make sure everyone, regardless of whether they are at home, out in the community, or in a hospital, is as safe as possible.”
Over the last year, Youth Villages has seen over a 35% increase in demand for services. As the mental health crisis continues to grow, we are serving more young people than ever before. It is the generosity of philanthropic partners like CREF that make it possible for us to meet this increasing need.
“I am so impressed with how the philanthropic community has stepped up to support Youth Villages, especially over the last year,” said Matt Stone, Executive Director of Youth Villages of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. “We are so grateful for corporate partners like Bob Gendron and CREF. Gifts like those we receive from CREF allow us to serve more young people and help us provide better outcomes for kids and young adults.”