Blog Articles

Finding purpose and giving back with volunteer Lelani Foster

Finding purpose and giving back with volunteer Lelani Foster

Lelani Foster is one of Youth Villages’ most seasoned Job Prep volunteer career coaches. Her journey with us started 14 years ago when she joined the very first Job Prep workshop in Woburn, MA as a volunteer career coach.

Rising Above: NicFelix Navigates the Road to Independence

Rising Above: NicFelix Navigates the Road to Independence

Children who grow up in foster care often face intense challenges at a young age. And by the time they reach adulthood, accomplishing goals and making it on their own can feel nearly impossible. That’s why programs like LifeSet are so important for young adults aging out of state care.

Youth Villages announces Lived Experience Impact Grants

Youth Villages announces Lived Experience Impact Grants

Youth Villages has announced its Lived Experience Impact Grant recipients for 2024. These grants support organizations led by individuals with lived experience in child welfare systems who are improving outcomes for transition-age young people through programming, advocacy and systems reform.

How can I keep my kids safe online?

How can I keep my kids safe online?

For many of us, it’s hard to recall the days before the existence of the internet and today, there are multiple generations who will never know a world without constant, immediate and instant updates.
