Results for "mental health"

Intercept specialists bring creativity to clinical methods

Intercept specialists bring creativity to clinical methods

When working with children experiencing behavioral and mental health challenges, a little creativity goes a long way. And for Intercept specialist Noah Galiffi-Caster, making a connection with the young people he works with is often a key to success.

From Hallway to Home  – Haley’s Story

From Hallway to Home  – Haley’s Story

The lack of mental health resources has become a crisis across the country, especially in Massachusetts.  On any given day in Massachusetts, there are over 100 children boarding in hospital emergency departments (EDs) because there are no psychiatric beds available.

Growing Resilience in Youth

Growing Resilience in Youth

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. For more than two years, we’ve seen study after study proving the declining mental health of kids and teens. There has also been an uptick in crisis calls received by Youth Villages across the state of Tennessee.

A Letter to Youth Villages

A Letter to Youth Villages

Dear Youth Villages, My name is Amber, and I am 23 years old. I lost my dad at a very young age and grew up with a mother who battled addiction and untreated trauma that led to many mental health problems leaving her incapable of caring for herself or for me.
