Foster Care Articles

Four generations of adopting

Four generations of adopting

The Jewett-Winter family has a long history of adoption. Pam herself was adopted by her parents, and her mom also was adopted.

Nashville Film Festival

For the fourth year in a row, Youth Villages is partnering with the Nashville Film Festival for the Livin’ Reel project. Livin’ Reel connects local artists with at-risk youth to create an original piece of art. The project will premiere during this year’s virtual festival from October 1-7, 2020.

Through LifeSet and LifeSet Scholars, Zoe builds his future

Young people who turn 18 in foster care are resilient and want to become successful adults. Zoe, entered state custody at 14 years old and moved around a lot before “aging out.”
“I never really unpacked my clothing because I moved so much. I kept it in whatever bag I could find,” he says.
