Youth Villages Oregon Begins a New Chapter: We’re Moving!
After a decade of services in Lake Oswego, Youth Villages Oregon closes its chapter at the history-rich Christie School and begins a new one at the newly renovated Water Tower office complex located at 5331 S. Macadam Ave in Portland.
“We are transitioning into a new space located just outside of downtown Portland, allowing more functional workspace for staff,” said Andrew Grover, executive director of Youth Villages Oregon.
In 1908, the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary built an orphanage for girls. “At the time, there were no roads, so they literally had to bring kids up the river on barges,” Grover said

The Sisters ran the home for girls until the mid 1960s as the needs of youth were changing and the orphanage model was fading, too. Soon, the orphanage evolved into a residential facility for youth experiencing severe mental and behavioral health challenges. Even then, Christie leadership believed there might be another way to support children and families, safely, in their homes. Youth Villages merged with Christie in 2011 and four years later, Youth Villages Oregon began to focus exclusively on community-based programs like Intercept, intensive in-home services, and LifeSet, a program developed as a bridge to successful adulthood for young people who age out of foster care. Today, Youth Villages Oregon is returning the historic building to the Sisters of the Holy Names.
“We strongly believe in the mission of Youth Villages because it aligns with our mission of making sure kids and families get the support they need to be whole and healthy,” said Sister Carrol Higgins, who is on the Providence Leadership team leading the U.S. – Ontario Providence of Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary.
One thing we have appreciated about Youth Villages is the family first aspect and giving them the tools and resources to support the child while keeping them in the home
Higgins thanks the Youth Villages staff who dedicate their lives to youth and their families. “One thing we have appreciated about Youth Villages is the family first aspect and giving them the tools and resources to support the child while keeping them in the home,” she said.
As a community-based provider, specialists go into homes, schools and communities to provide care to youth and families.
“We needed an office space built for what we do today – open, modern, collaborative and centrally located – to convene staff from all across the Portland metro area,” Grover said. “Youth Villages Oregon will begin operations in the new office in December.”
Youth Villages is incredibly thankful for all the memories and milestones created at the Christie Campus with youth, staff, board members, volunteers and supporters. We are especially grateful for the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary for sponsoring the foundation of our work at The Christie School. We are excited about this new change and opportunity to serve more families and young people.
If you would like to know about Youth Villages Oregon, click here to learn more about our services.