Results for "mental health"

Mental Health Month

Mental Health Month

Did you know that your physical well-being directly impacts your mental health? For Mental Health Month, we encourage you to join us as we stay on the move! Physical activity can be interpreted in several ways, from active rest to exercising to somatic movements for us to decompress from the stressors of life.

Focusing on mental health to mend a family

Focusing on mental health to mend a family

Having children is a life-changing experience, and most parents will admit you’re never ready until you become one. There is certainly not a universal manual on how to parent, and at the end of the day, most parents want to raise their children the best way they know how.

Adding a mental health check-in to your school supply list

Adding a mental health check-in to your school supply list

Back-to-school time can bring feelings of anxiety, excitement, or both for everyone in your household. Changes in routine and the unknown are disruptive. The Child Mind Institute offers several tips for parents and students this time of year.
