Tim and Mary Molamphy have served as foster caregivers for nearly 30 years. Over that time, they have been on a journey…
Foster Care Articles
Family gives back by opening home to foster care
Families who foster come in many shapes and sizes and enter foster care for different reasons. For George and Tracy Young, what began as a general interest in foster care turned into a way to become involved in their community.
Different Kinds of Foster Families
May has long been recognized as Foster Care Month. Nationwide, more than 390,000 kids need a foster family, and in Tennessee, more than 8,000 kids need foster homes with approximately 4,000 foster homes available.
Foster Care Awareness Month
May has long been recognized as Foster Care Awareness Month. Nationwide, more than 390,000 kids need a foster family and in Tennessee, more than 8,000 kids need foster homes with approximately 4,000 homes available.
Donor Spotlight: Julie Hays, grant committee member of the Marlene and Spencer Hays Foundation
Julie Hays, grant committee member of the Marlene and Spencer Hays Foundation, has a passion for helping children experiencing foster care because of her personal fostering story. The Foundation is a supporter of Youth Villages and specifically LifeSet, for its critical services to children exiting the foster care system and transitioning into adulthood.
We’re going to the Super Bowl!
The Tennessee Titans surprised one of our youth, a 17-year-old named Max, and his adoptive dad, Kevin, with a trip of a lifetime to Super Bowl LVII.
Helping foster families succeed
The state of foster care in Tennessee is in crisis. More children than ever need temporary, safe homes compared to the amount of open foster homes. Nationwide, a child is placed into foster care every two minutes, so the need is great. In Tennessee, more than 8,000 kids are in the foster care system with only around 4,000 certified foster homes available.
Achieving Success Convening lifts voices of transition-age youth
Recently, young people with lived experience in child welfare systems joined 28 child welfare administrators from across the country at the first Achieving Success Convening, “Empowering Transition-Age Young Adults,” held in Las Vegas.
New law aims to help guide young adults who are aging out of foster care
The transition from childhood to adulthood can be a lot to handle alone, but it’s very much a reality for people in the foster care system. Around 20,000 age out of the system every year,
Foster care extension prepares TN young adults who ‘age out’ of system
Lawmakers recently passed legislation making extended foster care available to more youth in Tennessee. This means that more young adults who ‘age out’ of the foster care system, usually at the age of 18, are now eligible for an extension of foster care services until they turn 21.