Blog Articles

Early intervention at home key to youth violence

Early intervention at home key to youth violence

 The Commercial Appeal in Memphis featured a guest column from Dr. Tim Goldsmith, chief clinical officer for Youth Villages, it its Viewpoint section Sunday, Nov. 18 highlighting the importance of early intervention for families and youth at-risk of entering the...

Early intervention at home key to youth violence

Want to help troubled youth? Help their families

 In Memphis, The Commercial Appeal's Nov. 18 issue included a guest column from Youth Villages CEO Patrick Lawler emphasizing the importance of helping the families of young people; not just the child. Read the full article here.     [.$?*|{}()...

Parenting Advice

 Tim Goldsmith, Ph.D., is chief clinical officer at Youth Villages, where he directs a staff of clinical specialists who oversee the treatment of more than 23,000 children and youth every year. Youth Villages brings their expertise to you through articles here....

YVLifeSet participant hired at Youth Villages, ready to give back

Kristie Wimbush beat all the odds… Only about three percent of young people who experience foster care graduate from university. Kristie received her bachelor’s degree from North Carolina Central University in May of 2016. A year later, she earned a master’s degree in...

Time in with Dr. Tim: Five ways to talk with teens

 By Tim Goldsmith, Ph.DWhen children are young, parenting can seem straightforward. We understand what our child needs and can provide for them. But then come the teen years. Our happy child becomes moody, hanging less with family and more with friends, their...
