Foster Care Articles

Following the Plan

Following the Plan

Youth Villages celebrates an adoption story on National Foster Care Day. Even the best laid plans don’t go as planned, and that also goes for foster care and adoption. However, for Chinishe Ray, her plans to adopt have gone as expected not only once but twice.

Youth Villages recognizes Foster Parent of the Year

Youth Villages recognizes Foster Parent of the Year

May is Foster Care Awareness month and Youth Villages uses this month to not only bring awareness to the kids in need but recognize the work done by foster parents, including a single dad from Cleveland winning foster care parent of the year.

Opening Homes & Hearts

Opening Homes & Hearts

Foster parenting sounds intimidating but with support, can be incredibly rewarding. Linzie Mullins, a Youth Villages foster-to-adopt parent in Memphis, was once in your shoes.

Support Foster Kids in Tennessee this May

Support Foster Kids in Tennessee this May

May is celebrated as National Foster Care Awareness Month to bring awareness to the need for more foster care families. In Tennessee, approximately 8,000 children are in foster care at any given time.

Youth Villages making moms — and dads — through fostering

Youth Villages making moms — and dads — through fostering

For Spring Hill residents Carly and Chrissy Shogren, Mother’s Day is something they never expected to be able to celebrate for themselves. Fortunately, their willingness to be flexible and open led to becoming mothers becoming a reality.

A Letter to Youth Villages

A Letter to Youth Villages

Dear Youth Villages, My name is Amber, and I am 23 years old. I lost my dad at a very young age and grew up with a mother who battled addiction and untreated trauma that led to many mental health problems leaving her incapable of caring for herself or for me.

LifeSet walks step-by-step with Dallas

LifeSet walks step-by-step with Dallas

Nineteen-year-old Dallas, a young man in southwest Missouri, sees his LifeSet specialist as more than just a health professional working to help him. She’s more like a friend walking with him every step—something he hasn’t always had.

Continuing to Make a Difference

Continuing to Make a Difference

Dominique and Kevin Gill continue to change the lives of children in foster care—children like Andrew who was adopted by the Gills in 2020.

Intercept Brings the Holmes Family Back Home

Intercept Brings the Holmes Family Back Home

Mia must have thought the world was crumbling around her. “It was hard, stressful,” said Mia, who was 16 years old at the time. “I was the oldest (child), so I had to keep pushing for everyone. I kept praying.”
