Blog Articles

Generations of Youth Villages Volunteers

Generations of Youth Villages Volunteers

Lisa Small and Kim Lapidus served the Nashville chapter of the National Council for Jewish Women (NCJW) for several years. Their dedicated involvement with NCJW later brought them to Youth Villages…

K’laja’s Journey with Youth Villages

K’laja’s Journey with Youth Villages

K’laja is currently enrolled in Youth Villages’ LifeSet program, an intensive support program designed to help youth actualize their goals of self-sufficiency and independence as they prepare to age out of foster care. Without these supports, young people face far...

Healing Through the Written Word

Healing Through the Written Word

Sometimes, the closest people to us—family and friends—don’t understand. They may think they know the situation better than anyone, even the person who is suffering. Instead of helping that person, it may lead to further issues.
