LifeSet Articles

LifeSet Advocacy and Policy

LifeSet Advocacy and Policy

Join Think of Us for a National Town Hall event to hear directly from Aysha E. Schomburg, Associate Commissioner of the Children’s Bureau & guests from CMS, HUD, and SAMHSA for a special discussion around interagency investments to ensure youth leave care with strengthened relationships, holistic supports, and opportunities.

LifeSet helps youth overcome educational barriers

LifeSet helps youth overcome educational barriers

The COVID-19 pandemic upended life for everyone — locked down, isolated, alone. The youth in the U.S. were especially affected with a major interruption in education. Coming out of the pandemic, results are showing a big impact on academic success.

LifeSet highlighted at APHSA Conference in Georgia

LifeSet highlighted at APHSA Conference in Georgia

LifeSet participants and staff from New Hampshire recently spoke about the needs of transition-age youth at a meeting of the American Public Human Services Association’s Economic Mobility & Well-Being Conference in Savannah, Georgia.

Andreia finds new life, mindset

Andreia finds new life, mindset

Andreia had a rough start. Her mother had a substance abuse problem and went to jail, sending Andreia and her older siblings to kinship care. One after another her siblings left home.
